2024 Planning Meeting with Brunch
This will be our first meeting event of 2024, when we plan for upcoming events and activities for the remainder of the year.
Attendence is encouraged for all members as it is your club and this is when we plan upcoming activities. Please bring your ideas, thoughts, and calendars so we can get them on the calendar at the meeting. We'll be looking for members to step up and volunteer to: lead rides; organize technical sessions; suggest meeting venues, etc.
Agenda items to cover.1 Opening and Welcome/Charlie2 Treasury Report/Sheron3 Delegate Report/John May4 Membership Status & Renewal for 2024/Charlie, John miner5 General Discussion6 Planning Calander month by month/Charlie & Mark7 Awards Presentations/Charlie & Mark8 Official Transfer and Welcome New President, Acceptance Speach and Parade,and open for VP nominations/vote? and all other positions9 AdjournAs we are planning a buffet so eating time can be inserted whenever it is ready for serving after a blessing.